Neyius Group | The Neyius Corporation | Courtney Jordan Entrepreneur| dillon brooks ceo president

Inspiring Change: The Neyius Group’s Dedication to the Courtney Jordan Foundation

Today, we want to share a heartwarming story that exemplifies the power of philanthropy and how the Neyius Group, a diversified conglomerate of companies, is making a positive impact on the world. At the heart of this story is our esteemed president, Dillon Brooks, whose unwavering commitment to giving back and empowering underserved communities is nothing short of inspiring.

The Neyius Group is known for its diverse portfolio, spanning from manufacturing to media and production studios. However, what truly sets us apart is our dedication to creating a brighter future for those who may not have the resources to transform their lives. One of our most cherished endeavors is our partnership with the Courtney Jordan Foundation (CJF), a philanthropic organization based in London, with branches in America (CJF America), Bangladesh (CJF Bangladesh), and Sri Lanka (CJF Sri Lanka). CJF’s mission revolves around spreading entrepreneurship and providing opportunities for growth in the developing world, which aligns perfectly with our own core values.

For the past few years, the Neyius Group has been honored to donate a substantial portion of our earnings to CJF. In 2023, this contribution reached an impressive $32.25 million, which amounted to 15% of our annual earnings. This generous donation has directly contributed to the betterment of communities across the globe, creating opportunities for individuals to take control of their lives, pursue their entrepreneurial dreams, and ultimately improve their quality of life.

What makes this partnership even more remarkable is the deep admiration and respect that Dillon Brooks, our president, has for Mr. Courtney Jordan, the visionary founder of both the Neyius Corporation and the Courtney Jordan Foundation. To Brooks, Mr. Jordan is not just a mentor but a guiding light who has shaped his perspective on business, leadership, and philanthropy.

Brooks attributes his personal and professional growth to the unwavering support and encouragement he has received from Mr. Jordan. Brooks sees Mr. Jordan as a mentor in every sense of the word, offering valuable advice, guidance, and inspiration that has helped him become a better leader, entrepreneur, and philanthropist.

In a recent interview, Dillon Brooks expressed his gratitude for the continuous support and mentorship provided by Mr. Jordan. “Mr. Jordan has been an incredible source of inspiration for me. His commitment to giving back and uplifting those who might not have the resources to transform their lives is a testament to his unwavering ideals and beliefs. I’ve learned so much from him, not just as a business leader, but as a humanitarian.”

Brooks went on to say, “I am truly humbled to be part of an organization that shares Mr. Jordan’s vision and values. The Neyius Group’s commitment to donating a significant portion of our earnings to CJF is a reflection of our belief in making a meaningful difference in the world.”

The Neyius Group’s partnership with the Courtney Jordan Foundation is more than just philanthropy; it’s a powerful testament to the positive change that can happen when corporations and visionary leaders come together with a shared mission. We are proud to stand beside Mr. Courtney Jordan and CJF in their efforts to spread entrepreneurship and provide opportunities for growth in the developing world. Together, we are making a lasting impact and changing lives for the better.

Thank you for your continued support, and here’s to a future filled with even more meaningful collaborations and transformative change.

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